2019 Social Innovation Summit: Pathways to Opportunity
March 29, 2019
The zip code in which one grows up should not be a primary determinant of life outcomes.
Developing successful cradle to career pathways for families and children living in low-income communities is a critical component of the Price Center’s mission. The Price Center develops and disseminates research that explores new approaches to increasing opportunity for low-income residents through education, policies to support healthy and stable families, and equitable access to high-quality jobs.
This Social Innovation Summit examined Pathways to Opportunity
through the lens of research and action focused in three different areas:
Educational Attainment | Strong Families | Re-entry
Panel 1: "Pathways to Opportunity: Data Partnerships to Strengthen Families"
Linda Aragon, Director of Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Division of Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health
Regan Foust, Director of Strategic Partnerships, The Children’s Data Network
Armando Jimenez, Director of Measurement, Learning, & Evaluation, First 5 LA
Carrie Miller, Assistant Executive Director, Office of Child Protection, Los Angeles County
Moderator: Jacquelyn McCroskey, John Milner Professor of Child Welfare and Co-Director, The Children’s Data Network, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work